It looks like a moving blob of pine needles.

My mom and I made a ton of fleece stocking hats and here are some of the pictures of the hats that I listed for sale on line. They are on Ebay this week and they are also on www.etsy.com My site is www.beckyboutique.etsy.com or you can just search for fleece stocking hats. Tell all of your friends. I also now have an Etsy button on my profile on facebook that will take you to my store.

Doesn't take much to keep a 14 year old boy entertained. The only problem is our stair are too wide for the slinky to go down the steps. So he has it go off the table onto a stool and then the floor. He is dying to take it to school and have it go down the school steps.

Kiley's favorite movie.

I think the kids loved their soft blankets. They sure were a bear to sew.

More pj's

Finally a game! I think he likes this more than the alarm clock.

The game In a Pickle. It is actually quite fun to play.

This should help Kiley because she is always cold. Her room is the coldest one in the house.

trying to get a good picture for the cards

Our beautiful tree before it DIED.

Every year our marching band splits up to 3-4 stores and plays for the Salvation Army kettles. They seem to bring in more money when music is playing.

After we re-decorated the tree.

This is what happens every year after the tree is decorated. I really need more unbreakable ornaments.

Picjking out our poor, ill fated Christmas tree.

Thanksgiving dinner at my parents, I think that my dad was hungry.

Veteren's Day parade in Port Jervis. I could not believe how many Vet's and people were there. I love our small town.

Danny with another favorite past time.

Kiley with lots of homework. Yes, she finished it on time.

The kids with our cat Marshmallow

Spirit week at Port Jervis High School. bet you can't guess what the school colors are.

No explanation needed here.
Celebrating Kiley's 17th birthday.
Danny being a teenage boy and trying to eat monster cookies and drink milk at the same time.
Branch Temple trip to the Manhatten Temple. Keith and Erik were getting one of the cars.

Spirit week at Port Jervis High School. bet you can't guess what the school colors are.

No explanation needed here.