Wednesday, September 3, 2008

first day of school 9/3/08

Today was the kids first day back to school. They got up and packed their lunches and were ready to go. J.D. even waited with them at the bus stop, which is just at the end of our driveway. Kiley is so organized that when she came home she had her list of school supplies that we needed ready to go and she even high-lighted the dates of her tests. I hope that I can be like her when I grow up!

Danny had his first day of cross country track today. I am not sure if they ended up running or not but he sure fell asleep real fast when he came home today. He takes after his dad.

I think that they had fun today seeing their friends again and my kids are usually excited to go back to school.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kiley way to go on the studying!! You'll be all set for college with all that hard work your doing! You've been tagged!! Check out our blog to see what to do!!