Saturday, June 12, 2010

Catching up

So here is what has been going on in our Family. Kiley received her Young Women Medallion. I posted a few pictures of her with a couple of the other girls that earned theirs. I brought home a shih tzu puppy which didn't turn out so well. I did not realize the lack of sleep that I was going to have and that in turn effects my myastenia so I found her a new home today. I feel sad because I thought she was adorable during the day but at night when she did not want to be in her kennel and she would wake up I did not have very kind thoughts toward her so I found her a new home. I do feel like I gave up and did not give it enough time. Oh well, now our home will not smell like wet dog. Port Jervis high school does a baccalurette for the seniors. It is basically a blessing given to the seniors. They alternate the church that it is in every year. The seniors wear their cap and gowns so it is a nice picture oppurtunity. As you can see Danny decided he wanted in on one of the pictures. We are very happy that Port Jervis is not afraid to put religion into their schools. The next huge plethera of pictures is of Kiley getting ready for prom which was last night. We ordered her a beautiful modest dress from Utah and we had fun getting her hair done at walmart. You can see that she was enjoying herself. I paid way to much for it but at least I know how to do it now. One of the kids there told her that Princess Leah would have been jealous of Kiley's hair. Good thing she has a sense of humor. I think she looked beautiful and I had a wonderful time getting her ready. I will post pictures of graduation which for NY is at the end of June.


Unknown said...

Kiley! You looked so beautiful for Prom!!!! Hope you had a wonderful time! And Becky, we feel ya on the puppy thing...they are SO annoying when they cry all night long! We miss you guys!!!!

Jessica said...

So Becky, if I cried at the pre-k and Kindergarten grad, how did you do at Kileys??? I cannot believe she is graduated, and went to prom and got her sweet to see how she has grown from my little "pumpkinhead" into such a pretty young woman. And I am your biggest supporter on your walks, do your best!! I'll be following ya!

linda said...

Oh my heck, did Kiley realy graduate???? How can she be that OLD???? Oh,she looks so beautiful! Where is she headed next year? We have 2 at BYU-I who are totally loving it (well, hopefully Kyle will be on a mission by then...). I enjoy reading your posts so much! Linda