One of the reasons that I wanted a dog was to get me out walking. I figured that I would need to walk the dog and I would get exercise as well. Keith was very supportive when I wanted to find her a new home. He even offered to help make posters because he didn't realize how fast craigslist was going to work. He also offered to walk in the mornings with me even though he can walk circles around me well actually today it was zigzags, maybe the bears will have a hard time catching him if he zigzags. So even though I was very tired this morning we did a 2 mile walk on our hilly road. The dog had been the cause of some of my lack of sleep but I thought that I would get some sleep the last 2 nights and that was not so, I may have to resort to taking Benadryl, it works so well during my IV treatments. I want to post pictures even though I do not look like I want. I feel like my face is even too fat because when I try and smile I can only get a straight line. I am not going to post how much I weigh but lets just say I have over 100 pounds to loose (and I am not going to try and find them once they are lost). I will post how much I loose or gain each week. I am going to weight watchers so that is where I will weigh in. I go on Thursdays, so you will have an update on the pounds each Thursday. I will also post pictures, and maybe even some recepies. This obviously is going to be very very very very hard for me and I would love to be thin and healthy tomorrow but we all know that is not how it works in the real world. Please no one go all Jillian Michaels on me and yell at me because that will not work for me. I know that the medical problems are already catching up to me so this is an important goal for me to achieve. So even though I was very tired I got up and walked this morning! Yeah for me! I hope you all have a great day today.