Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Plan B

I have not been able to get to my weight watchers meetings so I cancelled my membership. I wasn't following the plan anyway. I am planning on making better food choices and exercising more. Of course the big bowl of homemade carmel corn is not helping with my food choices. I love to walk but the bears that are in my neighborhood make me wary of leaving my yard. So I finally purchased a wii fit. I LOVE it! You do not realize how hard you are working because of the fun games you are playing. I have to admit I really like the hula hoop game. I am sure that I look very silly wiggling my hips but Danny has the higher score so now the competition is on. I am hoping to also get a curves membership but for now this will help a lot more than what I was doing which was just thinking about exercising.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Guess who came to dinner?

So I was talking to my friend Ann on Monday evening. I happen to glance out my downstairs door window and I see a big black thing carrying a big white thing. For a moment I think that it is carrying a goat but there are not any around here then I think that it might be our white cat, but the white thing was too big for that and then I realize that it was our garbage bag. Now this is all flashing through my mind really quick and the next thing I do is shut the door all the way because the kids(including the husband) never shut it all the way and I am thinking if this bear even comes close to the door and leans on it, he will be in the house. Next I scramble to find my camera and snap some pictures through dirty windows. I might have to clean them so I can get better pictures. I was a little shaky because I am afraid of bears when they are this close. I do think he is pretty and I didn't mind using the zoom when he was out back and I was on the deck close to my open door. Anyway, the kids were not thrilled with how much he ate. I think he tore through about 6 bags of garbage. By the time I saw him he had already eaten a ton. I did make the kids some cookies for cleaning up the mess. He did come back around 1am this morning looking for more but lucky for us garbage pick up was Tuesday afternoon. I am going to have to spray some ammonia on the garbage I hear that keeps them away. Enjoy the pictures.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Weigh In

I forgot that I had Weight Watchers today and told my friend that I would help her with her 2 little girls while she did a mystery shop today. Luckily for me it was in the Newburgh mall and there is a Weight watchers store there so I was able to weigh in. I only lost .2 which I think is 2 oz but it is a loss. I did not exercise as much as I wanted to this last week. I only got out twice. I did walk the girls around in their stroller today so that was good. I have been really super tired the last couple of days, and have not felt like moving at all. Well it is a new week and I am going to keep on working on that exercise goal. Actually next week I think I will do really well because it is girls camp week and I will do a ton of walking. I won't be able to give you an update until Friday or Saturday next week. Hope all of you have a great week. I am off to YW/YM.

Friday, June 18, 2010

New Driver

Kiley passed her test to get her drivers permit. She only missed one question which was about blood alcohol content. I let her drive us home and she did great. She does like to drive as close as she can to the right side of the road. No damage yet. Yeah! I would take a picture but my camera has died and I think it took its last picture. Hopefully I will get a new one soon.

teenage angst

Kiley's boyfriend broke up with her yesterday and if you are my friend on facebook you can see how I responded to it. I will man up and say that I was not very mature. I am not super upset about her not having a steady boyfriend and all the worries that brings a parent, but Kiley was so heartbroken and that broke my heart and brought the worst mothering instict out in me. So thank you to all who sent good wishes to Kiley and today is going to be a way better day for her and she doesn't even know it yet. Keith gave me the money to take her down to get her drivers permit. So stay off the sidewalks because there will be another teenage driver in NY state by this afternoon!

Weigh in

I went to weight watchers yesterday, (well kind of), I did weigh in and I lost 1 pound! I was expecting to gain because the Hershey bars that we had in the freezer for smores are no longer available and I ate some heavy meals, and I only exercised on Monday. So I will take the 1 pond loss and be happy. Just imagine what I could do if I stayed away from the sweets and exercised more often. I did exercise yesterday. I went on a 1 1/2 mile walk with Kiley and my mom. So onto another week. My goal this week is to exercise a lot more than I did last week. I plan on either walking or doing one of my videos.
Ta ta for now.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The start of my weight loss journey

One of the reasons that I wanted a dog was to get me out walking. I figured that I would need to walk the dog and I would get exercise as well. Keith was very supportive when I wanted to find her a new home. He even offered to help make posters because he didn't realize how fast craigslist was going to work. He also offered to walk in the mornings with me even though he can walk circles around me well actually today it was zigzags, maybe the bears will have a hard time catching him if he zigzags. So even though I was very tired this morning we did a 2 mile walk on our hilly road. The dog had been the cause of some of my lack of sleep but I thought that I would get some sleep the last 2 nights and that was not so, I may have to resort to taking Benadryl, it works so well during my IV treatments. I want to post pictures even though I do not look like I want. I feel like my face is even too fat because when I try and smile I can only get a straight line. I am not going to post how much I weigh but lets just say I have over 100 pounds to loose (and I am not going to try and find them once they are lost). I will post how much I loose or gain each week. I am going to weight watchers so that is where I will weigh in. I go on Thursdays, so you will have an update on the pounds each Thursday. I will also post pictures, and maybe even some recepies. This obviously is going to be very very very very hard for me and I would love to be thin and healthy tomorrow but we all know that is not how it works in the real world. Please no one go all Jillian Michaels on me and yell at me because that will not work for me. I know that the medical problems are already catching up to me so this is an important goal for me to achieve. So even though I was very tired I got up and walked this morning! Yeah for me! I hope you all have a great day today.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Catching up

So here is what has been going on in our Family. Kiley received her Young Women Medallion. I posted a few pictures of her with a couple of the other girls that earned theirs. I brought home a shih tzu puppy which didn't turn out so well. I did not realize the lack of sleep that I was going to have and that in turn effects my myastenia so I found her a new home today. I feel sad because I thought she was adorable during the day but at night when she did not want to be in her kennel and she would wake up I did not have very kind thoughts toward her so I found her a new home. I do feel like I gave up and did not give it enough time. Oh well, now our home will not smell like wet dog. Port Jervis high school does a baccalurette for the seniors. It is basically a blessing given to the seniors. They alternate the church that it is in every year. The seniors wear their cap and gowns so it is a nice picture oppurtunity. As you can see Danny decided he wanted in on one of the pictures. We are very happy that Port Jervis is not afraid to put religion into their schools. The next huge plethera of pictures is of Kiley getting ready for prom which was last night. We ordered her a beautiful modest dress from Utah and we had fun getting her hair done at walmart. You can see that she was enjoying herself. I paid way to much for it but at least I know how to do it now. One of the kids there told her that Princess Leah would have been jealous of Kiley's hair. Good thing she has a sense of humor. I think she looked beautiful and I had a wonderful time getting her ready. I will post pictures of graduation which for NY is at the end of June.